Whole Life Carbon Assessments

Whole Life Carbon Assessments

Our professional in house Low Carbon Consultants provide Whole Life Carbon Assessments to enable stakeholders to identify, measure, and reduce carbon emissions in their building construction projects.

With a wealth of experience you can be assured our tailored bespoke assessments can accurately calculate the total carbon emissions expected within the entire lifecycle of your development.  This includes every stage of your building’s life until its eventual demolition.

What is a Whole Life Carbon Assessment?

A WLCA is an analysis of the total emissions associated with the entire lifecycle of a built project from extraction to disposal.  Providing deep insights into the total amount of GHGs that are released into the atmosphere at every stage of the building’s life.  The assessment specifically takes into account all stages of the life cycle, including raw material extraction, manufacturing, transportation, use, maintenance, and disposal or recycling.

The assessment involves the measurement of both direct (operational) and indirect (embodied) carbon emissions, which is crucial in understanding the overall potential environmental impact of a project.

By undertaking a Whole Life Carbon Assessment, you can identify areas for improvement and develop effective strategies aimed at reducing the carbon footprint.  By considering the entire life cycle, rather than just one stage, WLCA enables more informed and sustainable choices to be made. 

By quantifying and understanding the lifetime carbon impacts of your project, you can make informed decisions on the selection of materials and construction practices that limit environmental damage and reduce embodied carbon costs.

What are the benefits of a Whole Life Carbon Assessment?

  • Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility;

Understanding the carbon footprint of your building allows you to take responsibility for its environmental impact.

  • Regulatory Compliance:

Compliance with BREEEAM requirements and Planning Application climate agreements.

  • Risk Management

Carbon emissions can pose financial and reputational risks to your organisation. By identifying and monitoring these emissions throughout the lifecycle of your project, you can better understand and manage these risks.

  • Competitive Advantage

Improved public perception and enhanced reputation for your business.  Consumers, investors and other stakeholders are increasingly seeking developments that are environmentally friendly and socially responsibility.  Carrying out a WLCA enables you to differentiate your development from others.

  • Reduced Costs

Identifying and implementing processes to reduce carbon emissions will often in turn identify opportunities to reduce costs.  Improving energy efficiency and reducing material waste can significantly reduce costs over the life cycle of your project.

Get in touch

Melin Energy Consultants


01792 002085


01172 356512


020 3725 8399

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