SAP Calculations for Conversions

Does my conversion project need a SAP Calculation

One most common question we’re asked is ‘does my conversion project need a SAP Calculation?’

In short Yes, if your conversion involves a ‘Material Change of Use’ or a ‘Change of Energy Status’ than a compliant SAP Calculation will be required. 

What is a ‘material change of use’?

A material change of use, in relation to dwellings, is when a building satisfies any of the following conditions;

  • Is used as a dwelling, where previously it was not.
    For example, a pub that’s turned into flats.
    <<<<insert picture>>>>
  • Contains a flat where it previously did not.
    For example, a house that’s turned into flats.
  • Contains a greater or lesser number of dwellings than it did, having previously contained at least one dwelling.

What is a ‘change of energy status'?

  • Is when a dwelling that was previously exempt from the energy efficiency requirements is no longer exempt.

    Note. A material change of use may result in a change to energy status, for example if a previously unheated loft is converted into a flat.

What information do we need to complete a full SAP calculation on your extension project?

We simply require the following.

  • A set of existing and proposed plans (to scale)
  • Confirmation sheet including the intended construction and services specification
  • <<<<insert conf sheet here to download>>>>>

The majority of our Conversion SAP calculations can be carried out via desktop without the need for a site survey, however where existing plans of the property aren’t available we are more than happy to carry out a full site survey to gather the information required.

So, if your development comprises any of the above criteria, our dedicated SAP team are waiting to hear from you, please just get in touch for further information and how we can assist.

Get in touch

Melin Energy Consultants


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020 3725 8399

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