Under the new Part L (2021) Regulations, Photographic evidence at as-built stage is now a mandatory requirement to prove compliance for every new home.
The new legislation requires developers and house builders to prove through photographic evidence that new and refurbished properties have met current building regulation standards.
Failure to comply can hinder the issuance of Energy Performance Certificates and Building Regulation England/Wales Part L Reports, which are mandatory for property sign off.
Photographs must be captured at significant stages of construction, documenting each detail before any closing works.
Non compliance could lead to deconstruction or retrofitting, incurring additional time and cost implications. Failure to meet the BREL report requirements can prevent a property from being certified as completed.
Photographic Evidence – Why?
The introduction of this requirement comes due to concern over a performance gap between expected performance and how new build properties actually perform in terms of energy efficiency, CO2 emission rate and energy bills.
Three factors have been identified as affecting the performance gap: Build quality, limitations of energy models and occupant behaviour.
To address the build quality factor and increase the accuracy of energy calculations, the requirement of photographic evidence has been introduced.
By introducing the need to collate photos on all newly build schemes, it is hoped that EPCs will become more precise, as the assessor can check that the photos from site match their SAP model.
It is anticipated, by introducing this process will improve the energy performance of homes, as construction teams will be aware that their work is being documented and available to the building control office and home owner or occupant.
What Photographs need to be evidenced?
Photographs of the foundations and substructure, external walls, and roof must show insulation in situ and continuity of insulation around junctions.
Photographs of the installation of the windows and doors, alongside certification demonstrating the property has been air tested must be supplied.
Photographs of the heating, hot water and ventilation systems, must show the make and model of the services.
Please refer to our free Guide to Photographic Evidence for a full breakdown of what photographs are required.
How should the photographic evidence be taken and stored?
Photos need to be-
Provided the above is adhered to, anyone can take the photographs, however, it is typically site managers who are best placed to assume the responsibility. Please note the photographic evidence is not the responsibility of external assessors.
At present, Photographic evidence is only required for newly constructed residential buildings only, and not required for refurbished properties, nor for non-residential buildings.
Here at Melin, we completely understand the Photographic Evidence requirement can be quite daunting, if you would like further information, please download our really helpful detailed guidance document here, whilst we are always on the end of a phone or email, please don’t hesitate to get in touch on 01554 571010 or admin@melinconsultants.co.uk and we will be more than happy to explain the process further.
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