Smoke diagnosis

Smoke Diagnostic Testing

Smoke diagnostic testing is a crucial tool for helping a building pass an air tightness test by identifying and addressing air leakage paths, either as preparation for the final test or, in cases of an adverse test result, as an essential step in determining the appropriate remedial works to ensure a successful retest.

What is Smoke Diagnostic Testing?

At Melin, we use smoke diagnostic testing primarily to detect and diagnose leakage routes in newly built commercial buildings and dwellings. With increasingly stringent air tightness standards and the growing number of PassivHaus developments, smoke diagnostic testing has become essential to ensuring a building meets its air tightness requirements. This method enables us to accurately identify air leakage paths, either as a preparatory step before the final air test or as an effective tool for pinpointing necessary remedial works in the event of a test failure. 

What are the benefits of Smoke Diagnosis Testing?

Smoke diagnosis is a hugely valuable instrument in ensuring a building passes an air tightness test, serving two very important purposes;

  1. Identifying Air Leakage Paths before the final test:

Smoke testing can be conducted prior to the final air tightness test to detect and address potential air leaks.  By introducing visible, non-toxic smoke into the building while its under pressure (such as a blower door test), our team of specialist site engineers can easily determine where air is escaping, this allows for targeted repairs to be made in advance, improving the buildings chances of passing the final test by ensuring the building envelope is properly sealed.

  1. Diagnostic tool after a failed final test:

If the building fails the initial air tightness test, smoke diagnostic testing can be used to identify the exact locations of air leakage.  It provides a visual indication of where the air is escaping, assisting the site team determine what remedial work is needed.  Once the necessary repairs or sealing are completed, the building will be retested to confirm the improvements and whether building regulations compliance can now be met.

How Air Tightness Smoke Diagnostic Testing Works:

Please see our case study here;

  1. Preparation and Sealing:
  • The area or system to be tested is carefully prepared. This may involve sealing off vents and other acceptable openings to create a controlled environment where no air can enter or escape, except through the leaks in the building envelope.
  • Our air tightness specialists with then install a blower door fan and pressurize the building to simulate normal operating conditions.
  1. Introduction of Smoke:
  • A specialised smoke generator machine is used to introduce non-toxic, visible smoke into the sealed space. The smoke will follow the airflow patterns inside the building or duct system, mimicking how air moves through the structure.  For dwellings and small commercial buildings we use a state of the art hand-held smoke machine, whilst on larger commercial buildings we use a much larger machine located in the centre of the building, which after 30-45 minutes the smoke will fill the whole building. 
  1. Observation:
  • From external vantage points, our specially trained site services engineers accompany the site team to closely monitor the movement of the smoke around the outside perimeter of the building. Areas where smoke is visibly escaping indicates air leakage paths.
  1. Identification of air leakage points:
  • The location and severity of the leaks are documented via video and/or photographic evidence. The areas where smoke escapes are precisely marked for repair. This allows for the identification of even the smallest leaks, which can significantly impact air tightness.
  1. Reporting and analysis:
  • Once the testing is complete, depending on the remit of works, we may provide a detailed diagnostic report, highlighting all the areas leakage was detected.
  • This report may include recommendations for the remedial works.
  1. Post testing actions:
  • Based on the findings, the site team will perform remedial works to seal the leakage areas.
  • If the test was done prior to the final air test (preliminary test) a follow up smoke test and/ or pre test Air Test may be conducted to confirm the effectiveness of the repairs.
  • If smoke testing was carried out after a failed test, it can be used to ensure that remedial actions successfully address the leaks before carrying out a re-test.

Smoke diagnostic testing is an invaluable part of ensuring that a building achieves its desired air tightness test result, confirming compliance with building regulations. It can be used both as a preparatory measure before the final test or as a diagnostic tool to identify areas requiring remedial work following a test failure.

At Melin, along with our air tightness testing and smoke diagnostic testing services, we also offer Smoke Shaft Air Testing and Isolation Facilities Air Testing.

Please follow the links below to learn more about these services:

  • Smoke Shaft Air Testing
  • Isolation Facilities Air Testing

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